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contact form.., shouldn't be a problem. they are in Alphabetical order
This website and associated site are totally setup with reference, resource and support as its ethos and raison d'être it does incur costs though and if you'd like to donate any amount would be appreciated best regards David.
Alt-Az Astrophotography from top Astronomer Nigel Gilchrist get you inspired and started using a fairly inexpensive mount and producing wonderful images.
DIY astronomy mount repair guides. skywatcher HEQ5/NEQ6 - a classic web blog loads of quality info. and project advice.Reviews of astronomy equipment, technical guides to help you with a range of telescope topics and a resource listing which has some great free programs that no stargazer should be without.
APT stands for "AstroPhotography Tool" and it is like Swiss army knife for your astro imaging sessions. No matter what you are imaging with - Canon EOS, Nikon, CCD or CMOS astro camera, APT has the right tool for planning, collimating, aligning, focusing, framing, controlling/tethering, imaging, synchronizing, scheduling, meridian flipping, analyzing and monitoring.
Field of View Calculator Test different telescope, camera & eyepiece combinations.
Astronomy Mounts Review Service Tuning and Repair - join the Facebook Group.
Astro Night Sky Notebooks for jotting down stuff while preparing or out observing - Something different really nice...
Canon EOS DSLR models matrix This is the list of all Canon EOS models that APT can control. It also contains useful reference information. from APT.
Cleaning Astronomik Filters
There is lot´s of advise how to clean optical surfaces. Usually any optical surface has to be treated with the highest care to avoid scratches or destruction. Here we want to give you some advise how to clean Astronomik Filters:Due to our hard coating you don´t have to be afraid to damage your filter! Astronomik filters are completely scratch resistant, and moisture resistant too.
Astronomy file conversion online
From an astrophotographer for astrophotographers - affordable astrophotography gear. Developed to optimize the capture process. Striving for stress-free astrophotography sessions. Amazing equipment especially the AF range of Astronomy Telescope Auto Focuser Units.
faulkes-telescope course - learning resources
Fitswork Astronomy software - open, process your Astronomy fit file
Ikarus Imaging ~ top Astronomy Imaging expert Ian King now combined with First Light Optics, expert Sales, Help, and Support
Light Pollution Map - find your Bortle Rating
The "famous" concrete block Astronomy Piers build instructions
Michael A. Covington, Ph.D.ConsultantCovington InnovationsSenior Research Scientist EmeritusInstitute for Artificial IntelligenceThe University of Georgia(Warning he can be a grumpy old codger)
PixelSkiesAstro is a Remote Telescope Hosting site in Spain run by David, Adam and Michelle Wills. 8 fully automated telescope observatories available for remote hosting. Telescopes controlled remotely via the internet, both for astrophotography and science-based data collection.
Planets Photography Guide - Instructable, step by step instructions. details how each software work, general workflow.
Prof. Ian Morison - author and all round top Astro Professor - loads of information tips, thoughts and scientific assessment of equipment and methodologies for the humble Astronomer.
One of the very few independent centres for astronomical telescope repair in the U.K.
Sequence Generator Pro - amazing Software - Revolutionize your image capture with plate solving, auto focus, equipment profiles, customizable user interface with dockable panels, and hunderds of other unique and powerful features!
StarTools & Astro Pixel Processor for Beginners and Users Group - facebook help and guides
Steve Millar Astronomy Photoshop Tutorials ~ an absolute must to set you off on the long road and steep learning curve processing Astronomy Images with Photoshop.
The basics of Plate Solving for Astrophotography | Tutorialfrom Astro Addict
here is how to fine-tune the strength of a Skywatcher crayford focuser with 1:10 microfocus. This type of Crayford allows for smooth but total control of the strength, but at first glance, it may look a little complicated.
W&W Astro DEW HEATERS FOR ASTRONOMY - really good service and quality - UK made - family business.
Here are some formulae that I find useful from time to time.